Cocus Alfalfa Compact

Cocus Alfalfa Compact is the product of the Agro Line - Feed Crops for new alfalfa fields and is designed for use directly in contact with the seed. The dosage of 200 g/ha is enough to guarantee treatment for the whole crop, through a single application as a seed dressing.

Like all the other Agro Line - Feed Crops products, Cocus Alfalfa Compact has a dual action:

Benefits for the plant: 

  • better absorption of nitrogen and other nutrients: more balanced nutrition
  • more homogeneous germination
  • greater root development and consequent increase in the absorbent surface
  • greater resistance of the plant to stress and higher adaptability to climate change
  • greater plant vigor and harvest uniformity.

Benefits for the soil:

  • higher soil quality
  • better structure and capability to hold water
  • greater availability of phosphorus and microelements.


➤ Improved germination

➤ Better root development with consequent improvements in the utilization of nutritional substances and a reduction in hydric stress

➤ Empowered microbial activity in the rhizosphere.

▲ Germination

➔ greater number of germinated seeds

▲ Growth

➔ more vigor and uniformity of crop growth

▲ Harvest

➔ greater quality and quantity

➔ greater maturation uniformity and possibility of

➔ higher production levels.

Standard cultivation v SOP treated

Cocus Alfalfa Compact - Use

Use: Mix the product with the seed in a container or directly in the seed bag or in the seed hopper.
Powdered fertilizer for new alfalfa fields.
In order to fully appreciate the effectiveness of the product, we recommend the use of organic fertilization.

Contents of box: 400 g.

Dosage: 200 g (0.44 lb) / ha.
1 box = 2 hectares.
FOR PROFESSIONAL USE: Contact the company to receive more specific information.

As for all the Agro Line - Feed Crops products, Cocus Alfalfa Compact is allowed in organic farming and has a dual action: on the soil and on the crops.

Bruno Bianconi's Farm - Sermoneta (Latina) Italy

“The difference between the SOP treated and standards crops could be seen right from the start; from the first 3-4 days, then after 20 days there was a net difference! You could see it in the tillering, the more intense color, plant vigor and the plant density is clearly greater!

Other testimonials:

La Serenissima Farm (Calcinato - BS - Italy)

uses Cocus Cereals Compact, Cocus Maize Compact & Cocus Alfalfa Compact

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