List of the 17 goals of the United Nations
SDG 1. NO POVERTY: SOP helps its customers improve production, also reducing costs for fertilization, raw materials and energy, consequently improving the profitability of the farm. The SOP products can be used in all types of environment, even in the most disadvantaged and arid areas, improving productivity and increasing the capacity to adapt to climate change.
SDG 2. ZERO HUNGER: The use of the SOP products leads to an improvement in agricultural production (milk, meat, cereals, corn, rice ...), offering more, better quality food and increasing the capacity of agriculture to adapt to climate change.
SDG 3. GOOD HEALTH & WELLBEING: The use of the SOP products leads to a drastic reduction in ammonia emissions (precursor of PM2.5) from the fields, barn and liquid manure. This contributes to improving air quality in the surrounding areas.
SDG 4. QUALITY EDUCATION: Our customers are committed to the dissemination of their own good sustainability practices, supported by the use of the SOP products, by training their own collaborators, organizing farm tours, leaving online testimonials and holding conferences.
SDG 5. GENDER EQUALITY: By reducing odor and ammonia, the SOP products help to create a healthier and more agreeable working environment for all farm workers. The SOP products reduce, or eliminate completely, the need for synthetic fertilizers, the movement of which requires arduous physical strength and may, therefore, be problematical for some. Furthermore, the reduction of ammonia in the calf pens also improves the working conditions of the women who generally favour working in that area.
SDG 6. CLEAN WATER & SANITATION: The SOP products limit the quantity of nitrates in the liquid manure, the quantity of synthetic fertilizer used on the fields and the quantity of antibiotics required for the animals, consequently limiting contamination of ground water.
SDG 7. AFFORDABLE & CLEAN ENERGY: The SOP products improve the efficiency of Biogas digesters which use waste substrates to produce electricity.
By improving the fluidity of the liquid manure, the need for agitation is reduced or even eliminated and, as a consequence, savings can be made in energy consumption. Similarly, the reduction or elimination of the use of synthetic fertilizers which is made possible by the SOP products, means that savings can also be made in terms of the energy required to run the spreaders and there can also be a reduction or elimination of the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) impact.
SDG 8. DECENT WORK & ECONOMIC GROWTH: The SOP products help reduce costs for medicines, fertilizers and energy and render the production processes more efficient, improving, in this way, farm profitability.
By reducing odor and ammonia emissions in the barn and during manure spreading, workers can live and work in significantly better conditions. Furthermore, the positive ROI achievable with SOP, in terms of both livestock and crops, means that a part of the profit can be reinvested for employee salary increases.
SDG 9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION & INFRASTRUCTURE: Farms already invest a substantial amount of time and money in improving communication between the barn and field; the reduction of ammonia in the barn, obtainable with the SOP products, means that farm structures suffer less deterioration.
By becoming a sustainable farm, by striving to meet the SDGs and especially by mitigating Greenhouse gases and adapting to climate change, with the SOP products, farmers can improve their financial rating, receive "green" finances and be able to grow and invest in innovation.
SDG 10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES: Farms are places of inclusion, employing workers from all over the world. The reduction of odor and ammonia in the barn creates a better working environment for everyone involved in the running of a farm. The use of the SOP products improves the resistance and adaptability of the crops to climate change, even in more difficult areas, in this way, maintaining competitiveness in production. By striving to meet the SDGs, access to state aid for development is more readily obtainable.
SDG 11. SUSTAINABLE CITIES & COMMUNITIES: The use of the SOP products results in a reduction of odor and ammonia from the barn and manure, significantly reducing the farm's impact on the surrounding community, contributing to better air quality and avoiding the devaluation of housing.
The improved conditions of the farm (odor) and crops (chemical substances) improve the economic, social and environmental relationships between urban, suburban and rural areas.
SDG 12. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION & PRODUCTION: The SOP products help our customers render their production systems more efficient, by reducing synthetic fertilization and increasing milk or meat production without having to increase feed consumption.
SDG 13. CLIMATE ACTION: By using the SOP products farmers can mitigate the formation and emission of Greenhouse gases: from the fields, by reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers, from the barn, by mitigating enteric emissions from the animals and from the liquid manure, during storage and spreading.
SDG 14. LIFE BELOW WATER: The drastic reduction in ammonia emissions obtained by using the SOP products, results in a reduction of the farm's impact on the acidification of water courses. The reduction in the use of synthetic fertilizers means that there is less eutrophication of the surface waters and consequently the seas (eg. cyanobacteria in lakes and marine habitats).
SDG 15. LIFE ON LAND: The use of the SOP products results in a reduction of ammonia emissions and a reduction in the use of synthetic fertilizers mitigating, in this way, the farm's impact on the soil, limiting its acidification and pollution from nitrates, promoting fertility and improving its adaptability to climate change.
SDG 16. PEACE, JUSTICE & STRONG INSTITUTIONS: The use of the SOP products helps farmers to better respect the environmental laws regarding sustainable development. Furthermore, the reduction of odor and synthetic fertilizers promotes a more peaceful relationship with the surrounding community.
SDG 17. PARTNERSHIP FOR THE GOALS: By using the SOP products, our customers are able to promote their own good sustainability practices with institutions, the press and other parties within the food industry. The food companies and farmers that choose to use the SOP products are able to create a virtuous chain and collaborate with institutions as part of the solution, instead of being considered the origin of the problem.